Innovative Tools for Multi-Substance Analysis

Chemical Identification Analyzer
Technology: Combines FTIR (Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and Raman Spectroscopy.
Application: Used for rapid identification of chemicals, explosives, and hazardous materials in the field.
Advantages: Dual-mode capability allows identification of a wide range of substances, including those that cannot be identified by a single technique. The device is portable, rugged, and easy to use in challenging environments.
Handheld Narcotics Analyzer
Technology: Raman Spectroscopy.
Application: Enables law enforcement officers to quickly identify narcotics, including opioids, synthetic drugs, and cutting agents, directly in the field.
Advantages: Non-destructive testing, reduces the need for presumptive tests, and provides reliable results within seconds.

FT and FTX Handheld Chemical Identifiers
Technology: Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).
Application: Identification of unknown chemicals, including toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), chemical warfare agents (CWAs), and explosives.
Advantages: Provides actionable intelligence in real-time, is rugged and portable, and can operate in extreme conditions.
Personal Radiation Detectors
Technology: Gamma and neutron detection.
Application: Used by first responders for detecting and measuring radiation levels in the field.
Advantages: Lightweight, portable, and provides fast and accurate detection of radiation threats.

RMX Handheld Chemical Identification System
Technology: Raman Spectroscopy.
Application: Identification of chemicals, explosives, and hazardous materials.
Advantages: Provides quick identification with minimal sample preparation, is lightweight, and integrates with other systems for enhanced data analysis.
XRF Analyzer
Technology: X-ray fluorescence (XRF).
Application: Detection of metals and other elements, often used in forensics for identifying lead in paint, alloys, and hazardous substances.
Advantages: Portable, provides quick and accurate results, and is used for material identification in various environments.

Applications in Public Safety
Law Enforcement: Detection of narcotics, explosives, and hazardous chemicals during investigations and security operations.
Military: Identification of chemical warfare agents and protection against radiological threats.
Emergency Response: Rapid identification of unknown substances during chemical spills or hazardous material incidents.
Border Security: Screening of cargo and vehicles for illegal substances and radiological threats.
Environmental Monitoring: Detection of pollutants and hazardous substances in industrial areas.
These devices enhance the capabilities of public safety personnel by providing reliable, real-time information in the field, enabling quick decision-making and ensuring safety and security